We use state-of-the art techniques and a variety of model systems to study the operation, evolution, ecology, and development of life. This knowledge can be applied to solve health issues, manage food and natural resources, and protect the environment, making a major contribution to human society.
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Research Laboratories
PLANT DEVELOPMENT AND PHYSIOLOGY (Takashi Okamoto, Toshiko Furukawa, Atsuko Kinoshita)
How do plant fertilization and early development proceed?
What are the barriers to interspecific hybridization, and how to overcome them?
We approach these questions and possibilities using the unique technique called "In-vitro fertilization system.”
What are the barriers to interspecific hybridization, and how to overcome them?
We approach these questions and possibilities using the unique technique called "In-vitro fertilization system.”
CELL BIOLOGY and BIOCHEMISTRY (Hiroyuki Kawahara, Tetsuhisa Otani, Naoto Yokota)
Cell-cell interactions are crucial for tissue homeostasis. Intracellular proteolysis in mammalian cells is also important for viral immunity. Why don’t you try to discover new cellular machinery with us?
The Earth is an extremely rich and diverse organism, and there is still plenty to discover. We study various terrestrial invertebrates such as bees, beetles, spiders, centipedes, and jassids. We are studying species diversity (including describing new species) and the evolutionary history of these organisms.