Course Highlights

a.  Laboratory Research

Research is at the heart of graduate education in TMU. As such, it is important for prospective students to consider their interests and find a research supervisor with matching expertise. In our department, our faculty members are involved in a diverse array of biological disciplines, such as ecology (of plants and animals), evolutionary biology, systematics, genetics, molecular cell biology, microbiology, developmental biology, and neurobiology. To help you find the right mentor, we encourage you to look at the laboratory pages of your interest where you can find out more about the current research projects of your prospective supervisors, as well as how you can contact them.

b.  Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)

We employ a collaborative online international learning (COIL) program to maximize the global connectivity of the internet and offer a truly global interactive experience to our students. This provides them with the opportunity to gain experience and skills for becoming active members of the global scientific community For example, in our course 'Presentation Skills in Science', students share their research through a 15-min conference-style talk and in a succinct 3 min talk (3MT), which is exchanged with and peer-reviewed by students abroad via COIL . This course is intended to act as a bridge between students in different universities and provide an opportunity to experience the global 3MT interaction programs.

Past 3-minute talks

Current COIL Partners


Looking for COIL partners!

If you would like to participate in the COIL program, we`d love to hear from you! By connecting with more global partners, we hope that COIL will develop into a broader exchange network.

 Send Message 

c. International Exchange

We believe in the importance of providing our students with the opportunity to experience international research environments and build their international networks. Because of this, we continuously strive to provide different means for students to have international exchange. This includes events such as on-campus international conferences, short-term research exchange trips to universities abroad, and activities that facilitate cultural exchange between Japanese and foreign TMU students.

To find out more about international exchange opportunities for graduate students at TMU, you can visit the International Center. See you around!